Monday 20 September 2010

Analysis Of Skins Poster Part 2

The purpose of this Analysis is to identify how the media presents a group of teenagers and how the use of mise-en-scene in a poster can reveal everything including the genre of the TV drama.

This Advert for the Skins Series is different from others as it only has one character in the poster, by only him being in the advert he must be a high status character. his facial expression is very tensed as he is holding his breath under the water and also is giving a direct mode of address to the camera so implies to the audience that he could be looking at them and makes the poster appear more interesting, he’s also got no clothes on the top half of his body that we can see, this is a mid shot and just gives the viewers the important and interesting part of the image, which is his face as we can see the emotion he expresses under the water. The way the character is under the water with his arms by his side with no happy expression on his face reveals to the audience that he could be drowning himself and jus by the characters actions the audience is given an insight to the series possible activities,
The Setting in this poster is very intimidating as the characters surroundings are in an old bathroom, where the bath is a dark shade of green with unclean shade of green water , and the tiles on the walls are also a grey/ green colour, but also has cracks in the tiles and has mould increasing which shows that damp is in the room, this indicates to the audience that he lives in a working class environment, and lives in unstable conditions. Also the bathroom has essentials found in a bathroom on the side of the bath such as soap and a razor which brings a realistic image into the viewer’s minds.
The colour used in this poster is continuous as it constantly uses the colour green in the same shade, this accentuates the immensity of the situation as the colour is very dull and there is no light colours to show a happy side to the series, but shows that there will be a great deal amount of jealousy and depression as the dark colour of green is known for this, the audience can see just by the colours of the poster what kind of genre this series will be.
The lighting in the poster is limited and is overpowered by obtuse, green interior design, by the posters layout we can see the corner of a window but can see that no light is being let through, this creates a negative impression for any viewers who think that the series will be a lightened, happy series, as just by the lighting we can see it concludes serious matters such as, suicide and depression.
British made films and series' directors have a repetition of how to create and get across certain groups and how to represent them, for teenagers they have a norm of bad representation as films such as 'kidult hood', 'waterloo road' and 'shameless' show teenagers from a working class background portrayed in a negative way they all are sexually active, steal and are religious, many teenagers view this kind of representation as offensive and think that they should act like this because it is societies expectations of them, this is called self fulfilling prophecy. Audience members may be led by these kinds of series and label teenagers as mischief’s and are wary of them, this could cause chaos as directors don’t think about how this could affect a society, and mostly teenagers as they are prone to labelling and in a working class environment is it common for teens to feel many emotions which a series like skins could affect.

1 comment:

  1. This is a fair attempt at analysis Alex. You have used media terminology to engage with issues of representation. For the future you should aim to spell media terms correctly for example, audience (not audiance). Also try not to make obvious assumptions (the bathroom is dirty so must be working class) - I feel it is more symbolic than that. I think it is less to do with class and more to do with his feelings and emotions. Overall a good first attempt.
