Friday 17 September 2010

Analysis Of Skins Image Part 1

The purpose of this Analysis is to identify how mise-en-scene can reveal the storyline of a TV show and how the media represented these teenagers.

The Skins cast are made up of a group of young teenagers, the costume in this advert is very sexual as all the cast are only wearing basic clothing which are underwear, this portrays that the series will be very intimate and have some sexual scenes, this shows that although there are teenage actors, that the program is suitable for adults rather then young children. Also the main character in the advert is a young woman in her late teens who seems to be of a very high status in the series as she is the only character who the camera has a full body shot of and she is in the centre of the camera, other aspects such as lighting give away characters status, such as a shadow of a single window letting in light into the dull, dark room, and that light is reflecting on her, which shows she is one of the main characters. Her Facial Expression is very distressed and her make up looks as if she had been crying, and her body posture is facing away from her companion in the bed with her and is faced towards the window, which symbolises that she is a character who has a lot of problems and is unhappy. The Teenage boy in the bed with her has a hat on and glasses, the fact he is wearing a hat reveals that he is insecure and not as outgoing and rebellious like the rest of the characters.
The setting is in a small bedroom with little light coming through, the bedroom is falling apart with the wallpaper disintegrating, and there is a double bed but most of the teenagers are on the floor, this shows that chaos erupted, the bedroom looks like an adults bedroom s it has simple features such as a single picture and lamp beside the bed, where as the stereotype for a teenagers bedroom is to have a messy room with loads of personal touches around the room, such as teenage boys would have posters of there favourite band on their walls or of a naked model  This Clearly shows the teenagers are not in the correct bedroom, this symbolises rebellion. The fact that the advert was filmed in a bedroom supports the suspicion that the teenagers will be spending most of there days in the bedroom doing sexual activities.
An Important factor used to describe a poster or advert is colour which is a part of mise-en-scene, in this poster the colours are very obtuse as the colours are all grey or black colours, the colours look like they have became that way overtime, as the wallpaper is also peeling, this shows that the characters don’t look after there possessions, which makes it easy to presume that they also don’t look after themselves.
The Lighting is limited in this poster, there is hardly any light entering the room and the only light sources are a small light in the corner of the room and a shadow of a window, this strongly displays the characters kind of lifestyle and how they are comfortable and used to being in dark rooms.
This advert for a TV program expresses the stereotype of teenagers today and how they behave and live, this representation can be viewed in two different ways as many teenagers have different norms and values then others, in one way teenagers can take the advert in a hurtful way as they may feel miss judged and could feel as they would need to live up to society expectations, however they could feel that just because a few teenagers act that way that not every teenager should be labelled in the same manor, however another way they could view the advert as a wakeup call, and realise that they live there lifestyle that way and see it as a wake up call , also this poster in my point of view is a realistic serious matter that needed to be addressed , as it does go on it modern day society and can be a norm for any teenager , I believe it is a negative and positive representation , because the poster shows two sides or the teenagers , they show the teens showing rebellion and unacceptable behaviour but also shows that they are unhappy with the decisions they are making, such as the girl dazing outside the window with a yearning expression in both her face and her body language,.

1 comment:

  1. Another good piece of analysis. You are starting to use media terminology confidently to explore meaning in media texts. You have considered the connotations of the construction of the mise-en-scene so well done. For the future you should check you spelling as there are a number of careless mistakes. Overall a detailed piece of work, well done.
