Wednesday 29 September 2010

Analysis Of Elizabeth

The purpose of this essay is to identify how a historical woman represents gendre in the media and how she presents herself.

The scene starts off with a good mise-en-scene representation of lighting and colour as there is a long shot of one of her maids cutting her hair while sobbing, this effect is interesting as it also shows the background of dimness and a few Candice lit. When she is about to enter the throne room she comes through in a long shot to show the landscape behind her which is all light and demonstrates that England’s time of darkness has come to an end.
The scissors are a good use of prop as they are a vital object of her transformation from a young full of life woman to a queen. There is a close up of Elizabeth’s hand in her lap grasping her hair as it gently falls over her shoulders, this reveals the transformation in action and that she is cutting away her old self to be a successful ruler. As she drops the hair in her hands is symbolises the people trying to control her decisions, and shows that by dropping the hair she is dropping their advice and opinions. The audience can see that by her cutting her hair she is trying to make herself unattractive to show any man attempting to marry her to back off as she is queen and no one, even a man cannot take her thrown away.
The setting of where the sequence starts is in a bedroom in a faint light, there is a close up of her face when the maid is cutting her hair and show she is emotionless, which leaves the audience puzzled as to what she is thinking. She looks natural with no makeup on and is without any feminine features now that her hair is cut off which makes it easier for her to make herself unattractive. This signifies how dark England was without her guidance; she is composed and prepared about the procedure. When she is about to enter the throne room all the court were expecting the previous woman who was full of life and let people control her but as she entered the whole room moved backwards for her entry showing her respect.
Her body language and facial expressions in the scene are different as in her flash back she is smiling and looks full of life, but when she cuts her hair she is very blank to show the court that she means business and intends to be a great ruler, she has many close ups in this sequence and had another one in the flash back. At the end where she is sitting on the throne she looks like a painting or a portrait, the painting shows all kings and queens had a painting of themselves and all had to be expressionless. In her flashback there is a two shot of her and her lover which shows how easy it was for her to fall in love, but then when her flashback was over she realised that the only love in her life could be England.
Her costume in her flashback is wearing a white, frilly dress with her hair down blowing in the breeze in a mid shot just showing her facial expression as it is the important aspect, as it shows what and who she used to be. But when she transformed into a queen she wears immense layers of clothing and huge dresses that cover all her body, her makeup is paste white and red lipstick, she looks like a porcelain doll, but untouchable, this is positioned as a long shot to show her whole costume. This symbolises that no man can take advantage of her just because she is a woman, the white dress she wears shows purity to England that she is indeed a virgin. She is now a symbol not a human.

Monday 20 September 2010

Analysis Of Skins Poster Part 2

The purpose of this Analysis is to identify how the media presents a group of teenagers and how the use of mise-en-scene in a poster can reveal everything including the genre of the TV drama.

This Advert for the Skins Series is different from others as it only has one character in the poster, by only him being in the advert he must be a high status character. his facial expression is very tensed as he is holding his breath under the water and also is giving a direct mode of address to the camera so implies to the audience that he could be looking at them and makes the poster appear more interesting, he’s also got no clothes on the top half of his body that we can see, this is a mid shot and just gives the viewers the important and interesting part of the image, which is his face as we can see the emotion he expresses under the water. The way the character is under the water with his arms by his side with no happy expression on his face reveals to the audience that he could be drowning himself and jus by the characters actions the audience is given an insight to the series possible activities,
The Setting in this poster is very intimidating as the characters surroundings are in an old bathroom, where the bath is a dark shade of green with unclean shade of green water , and the tiles on the walls are also a grey/ green colour, but also has cracks in the tiles and has mould increasing which shows that damp is in the room, this indicates to the audience that he lives in a working class environment, and lives in unstable conditions. Also the bathroom has essentials found in a bathroom on the side of the bath such as soap and a razor which brings a realistic image into the viewer’s minds.
The colour used in this poster is continuous as it constantly uses the colour green in the same shade, this accentuates the immensity of the situation as the colour is very dull and there is no light colours to show a happy side to the series, but shows that there will be a great deal amount of jealousy and depression as the dark colour of green is known for this, the audience can see just by the colours of the poster what kind of genre this series will be.
The lighting in the poster is limited and is overpowered by obtuse, green interior design, by the posters layout we can see the corner of a window but can see that no light is being let through, this creates a negative impression for any viewers who think that the series will be a lightened, happy series, as just by the lighting we can see it concludes serious matters such as, suicide and depression.
British made films and series' directors have a repetition of how to create and get across certain groups and how to represent them, for teenagers they have a norm of bad representation as films such as 'kidult hood', 'waterloo road' and 'shameless' show teenagers from a working class background portrayed in a negative way they all are sexually active, steal and are religious, many teenagers view this kind of representation as offensive and think that they should act like this because it is societies expectations of them, this is called self fulfilling prophecy. Audience members may be led by these kinds of series and label teenagers as mischief’s and are wary of them, this could cause chaos as directors don’t think about how this could affect a society, and mostly teenagers as they are prone to labelling and in a working class environment is it common for teens to feel many emotions which a series like skins could affect.

Friday 17 September 2010

Analysis Of Skins Image Part 1

The purpose of this Analysis is to identify how mise-en-scene can reveal the storyline of a TV show and how the media represented these teenagers.

The Skins cast are made up of a group of young teenagers, the costume in this advert is very sexual as all the cast are only wearing basic clothing which are underwear, this portrays that the series will be very intimate and have some sexual scenes, this shows that although there are teenage actors, that the program is suitable for adults rather then young children. Also the main character in the advert is a young woman in her late teens who seems to be of a very high status in the series as she is the only character who the camera has a full body shot of and she is in the centre of the camera, other aspects such as lighting give away characters status, such as a shadow of a single window letting in light into the dull, dark room, and that light is reflecting on her, which shows she is one of the main characters. Her Facial Expression is very distressed and her make up looks as if she had been crying, and her body posture is facing away from her companion in the bed with her and is faced towards the window, which symbolises that she is a character who has a lot of problems and is unhappy. The Teenage boy in the bed with her has a hat on and glasses, the fact he is wearing a hat reveals that he is insecure and not as outgoing and rebellious like the rest of the characters.
The setting is in a small bedroom with little light coming through, the bedroom is falling apart with the wallpaper disintegrating, and there is a double bed but most of the teenagers are on the floor, this shows that chaos erupted, the bedroom looks like an adults bedroom s it has simple features such as a single picture and lamp beside the bed, where as the stereotype for a teenagers bedroom is to have a messy room with loads of personal touches around the room, such as teenage boys would have posters of there favourite band on their walls or of a naked model  This Clearly shows the teenagers are not in the correct bedroom, this symbolises rebellion. The fact that the advert was filmed in a bedroom supports the suspicion that the teenagers will be spending most of there days in the bedroom doing sexual activities.
An Important factor used to describe a poster or advert is colour which is a part of mise-en-scene, in this poster the colours are very obtuse as the colours are all grey or black colours, the colours look like they have became that way overtime, as the wallpaper is also peeling, this shows that the characters don’t look after there possessions, which makes it easy to presume that they also don’t look after themselves.
The Lighting is limited in this poster, there is hardly any light entering the room and the only light sources are a small light in the corner of the room and a shadow of a window, this strongly displays the characters kind of lifestyle and how they are comfortable and used to being in dark rooms.
This advert for a TV program expresses the stereotype of teenagers today and how they behave and live, this representation can be viewed in two different ways as many teenagers have different norms and values then others, in one way teenagers can take the advert in a hurtful way as they may feel miss judged and could feel as they would need to live up to society expectations, however they could feel that just because a few teenagers act that way that not every teenager should be labelled in the same manor, however another way they could view the advert as a wakeup call, and realise that they live there lifestyle that way and see it as a wake up call , also this poster in my point of view is a realistic serious matter that needed to be addressed , as it does go on it modern day society and can be a norm for any teenager , I believe it is a negative and positive representation , because the poster shows two sides or the teenagers , they show the teens showing rebellion and unacceptable behaviour but also shows that they are unhappy with the decisions they are making, such as the girl dazing outside the window with a yearning expression in both her face and her body language,.